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Drinking Tea Linked to a Reduced Risk of Diabetes

We recently took a look at results from a fascinating study, which indicated that tea drinking may be associated with a lower risk of mortality, providing increased protection against leading causes of death, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory disease.

It now seems that tea can also offer added protection against the development of diabetes, as indicated in a new study from the Wuhan University of Science and Technology in China.

The research suggests that drinking at least four cup of tea per day may help to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by an incredible 17% over 10 years. As detailed by researcher Xiaying Li, the results “are exciting because they suggest that people can do something as simple as drinking four cups of tea a day to potentially lessen their risk of developing type 2 diabetes”.

The research proposes that black, green and oolong teas each showed a “significant linear association” with a reduced risk of diabetes, with a possible explanation provided by Li, who said that “It is possible that particular components in tea, such as polyphenols, may reduce blood glucose levels, but a sufficient amount of these bioactive compounds may be needed to be effective."

The results in detail…

The findings, presented to the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Stockholm, took in meta-analysis from 19 previous studies on the relationship between tea drinking and diabetes. This combined analysis involved close to 1.1 million adults across eight countries in Europe, America and Asia, including the UK.

The results indicated that, compared to non-tea drinkers, those who drank between one and three cups of tea a day had a 4% reduced risk of developing diabetes, with an increase to 17% for those who drank four or more cups.

Black, green and oolong tea at Tea-Direct…

At Tea-Direct, we’ve got a fantastic selection of black teas, green teas and delicious, delicate oolong teas.

Why not take a quick look at some of our most popular teas below?

Lapsang Souchong – From £10.99
Sourced from the beautiful Wuyi Mountain region of China's Fujian Province, this fine black tea has a distinct smoky aroma and taste, created from methods used during the drying process, resulting in a delicious, well-balanced and robust tea.

Earl Grey Green Tea – From £10.99
Flavoured with natural bergamot oil, our Earl Grey Green Tea offers a well-balanced beverage with an intoxicating aroma, adding a unique element to a classic tea.

Oolong Tea – From £10.99
This darker style oolong tea is sourced from Taiwan and offers deep raisin and ripe fruit aromas that are redolent of Autumn, plus lingering sweet flavours and smooth, fruity notes.